The Geno Project provides children from the Homa Bay District in Kenya with the opportunity to follow their academic ambitions
Geno is a charity registered in the UK and its main focus is on providing scholarships for students to attend secondary school and state University within Kenya.
Close relationship between volunteers and communities within Homa Bay
The key distinction of Geno is the close relationship between the European volunteers and the communities within the Homa Bay County. A number of the charity’s trustees have already established strong relationships within the villages Osika, Nyagowa and Alego within the Homa Bay County, which is a key factor in the success of the charity. Another strength of Geno is very low administration expenses.
The word “Geno” is Luo and can be translated into English meaning “Hope”. Luo is a local language of the Luo people in Kenya and the main language within the Homa Bay District.
Geno currently supports 164 students
As of September 2023, the Geno project is supporting 124 students at secondary school and 31 at University and 9 at College.
To find out more please visit Our Story and Why Donate pages and get involved here. You can read testimonials from our students here which include the circumstances they live in how Geno is helping them. Feel free to contact us here and sign up for our Newsletter below.